

oncgnostics GmbH

Methylation Testing for Tumor Detection: A Non-Invasive Alternative to Standard Diagnostics

Jena / Düsseldorf, November 7, 2024 – Molecular biological diagnostics offer a non-invasive alternative for cancer detection. oncgnostics GmbH will demonstrate this in Düsseldorf at MEDICA, one of the world’s largest medical trade fairs. The biotechnology company develops patented, highly informative biomarkers for their methylation tests, which are currently used in cervical cancer screening. In the future, these tests should also enable the diagnosis of head and neck tumors from liquid biopsies.


  • Cervical cancer diagnostics: the GynTect and ScreenYu Gyn methylation tests from oncgnostics GmbH
  • Methylation testing in cervical cancer screening could help prevent up to 75% of colposcopies: this is the result of a study which utilized the oncgnostics cervical cancer test
  • Diagnosis of head and neck tumors from liquid biopsies: development of a methylation test that non-invasively detects tumor recurrence
  • oncgnostics GmbH will be at MEDICA at the joint stand of medways e.V. in Hall 3/ G74


Tests for cervical cancer

The GynTect methylation test is used in cervical cancer diagnostics. The test is marketed in several European countries and is also under exclusive license in China. In China, it is the first DNA methylation test for the triage of HPV-positive cases. In Germany and Europe, GynTect helps clarify screening abnormalities thanks to its fast and reliable results.


ScreenYu Gyn is a development of GynTect. While Gyntect detects six methylated marker regions, ScreenYu Gyn only detects one. This makes ScreenYu Gyn suitable for automation and could enable new applications.


Methylation tests can replace invasive diagnostic methods

A study led by Dr. Pedro Vieira Baptista, President Elect of the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease (IVVD), found that using the oncgnostics test GynTect in cervical cancer screening could prevent up to 75% of colposcopies.


Detection of head and neck tumors in liquid biopsies

The detection of tumor recurrence is still a challenge in everyday clinical practice due to a lack of quick and simple diagnostics. The development of a methylation test based on liquid biopsies (saliva and mouth swabs) could close this gap. Thanks to an international network of study centers, oncgnostics GmbH has extensive data at its disposal to test the suitability of epigenetic tumor markers for the detection of head and neck tumors.


 About oncgnostics:


The biotechnology company oncgnostics GmbH, a spin-off from the Jena University Hospital, develops molecular biological tests for cancer diagnostics based on epigenetic changes in genetic material. With GynTect, the company has introduced an innovation in the field of cervical cancer screening. oncgnostics is currently developing other tests for head and neck cancers.


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Ines Sommer

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07749 Jena

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Contact at MEDICA:

Dr. Alfred Hansel; CEO oncgnostics GmbH

Tel.: +49 3641 5548554
